Food For Thought

99 Videos

Are Tangerines Good for You?

Tangerines are in the citrus family of fruits, but are they good for you? They are small and dark orange with loose skin that easily peels. This fruit provides an array of nutrients and health benefits. A tangerine has 23.5 mg of vitamin C, or 39% of the amount that the Food and Drug Administration […]

Are Skittles Gluten Free?

Are Skittles gluten free? They’ve have been around for decades and now come in a variety of flavors such as original, tropical and sweet and sour. For many, Skittles are the preferred method of satisfying their sweet tooth. But what about those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease? Wrigley/Mars are the makers of Skittles and […]

Are Ramen Noodles Fattening?

You may be aware that Ramen noodles do not provide much, if any, nutritional value, but are Ramen Noodles fattening? Ramen noodles are a staple for just about every college student in America, but although cheap and easy to prepare, they are loaded in calories, fat and provide very little nutritional value. In just one […]

Are Rice Krispies Gluten Free?

New and Improved Rice Krispies are gluten free and consumed by many who cannot eat gluten. While they may not be the same since going gluten free, they do provide a tasty alternative to many other bland foods on the menu. While the old version of Rice Krispies was made with barley malt, the source […]

Are Grapes Fattening?

If you’ve ever wondered “Are Grapes Fattening”, they are not, and can actually help you lose weight if eaten in moderation. Grapes contain few calories and zero fat, but they are high in natural sugar so should not be overeaten if on a strict diet regimen. Grapes are a wonderful source of vitamin C which […]

Are Cashews Good For You?

Are Cashews Good For You? They provide a great source of nutrition for the body and are quite good for you.  Let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of cashews. First of all, cashews are great for the heart because of the good quality fat that is contained within the nut.  Like […]

Are Sweet Potatoes Paleo?

Sweet potatoes are a staple crop all over the world, but can they be part of a Paleo Diet? They feature heavily in the cooking of the American South, as well as South America, and in lots of Asian cuisine. As the name suggests, they’re sweeter than ordinary or ‘white’ potatoes, and under some guidelines […]

Are Pumpkin Seeds Fattening?

While pumpkin seeds are fattening, you would have to eat a lot of them to gain weight. Combine them with a fatty diet full of junk, and you may see the pounds pack on quickly. In just one ounce of pumpkin seeds there are 15 grams of fat and 160 calories. What is great about […]

Are Snickers Gluten Free?

People with a Gluten Intolerance or just individuals wanting to live a gluten free lifestyle still want to enjoy their favorite foods. One of the most popular snack foods is the Snickers candy bar. But are Snickers gluten free? According to the manufacturer the Snickers bar is gluten free. In fact, the website and packaging […]

Are Carrots Good For Weight Loss?

Carrots are a fat-free vegetable that can be good for weight loss. Carrots are good for weight loss because they are extremely low in calories and contain no saturated fat.  In one cup of chopped and cooked carrots there are 55 calories. The calorie content is the same for raw carrots, except the weight may […]

Are Lima Beans Good For You?

Yes, Lima Beans are good for you. Whether you have them fresh, dried or canned, the nutrient content for every serving will be the same. You should also know that Lima Beans are a grade A source of fiber making it an ideal food complement. Compared to other legumes, Lima beans lead the pack in […]

Can Eating Apples Help You Lose Weight?

Apples CAN help you lose weight because of their nutritional value and large amount so fiber. We have all heard the saying, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away,’ but what about for losing weight? Apples are good for losing weight because they fill you up and not out. Apples are low in calories, […]