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Our 1 Year Body Transformation Losing 220lbs

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20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight…

Here are 20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight, and its a GREAT video & a fantastic list of things you should be eating… BUT, always check with your Doctor before making any changes to your diet! (Visited 651 times, 1 visits today)

Vance’s INCREDIBLE 365-day Weight Loss Transformation will BLOW YOU AWAY!

Vance’s INCREDIBLE 365-day Weight Loss Transformation is a video we found on YouTube. If YOU want to see Vance’s TRANSFORMATION, watch this inspirational video! We’ll check in with him from time to time to see how he’s doing! (Visited 932 times, 1 visits today)

Today's Articles

Does Goat Cheese Have Lactose?

If you are lactose intolerant but love cheese, you may have wondered if goat cheese does have lactose in it? The answer is very simple. All milk that comes from mammals does. However, the amount is still in question… Goat Cheese, like most cheeses, does not contain a lot of lactose. While they do contain some, […]

What To Wear During A Workout: A Guide For Men and Women

Whether you are a beginner or old hat at working out, it is important to wear the right clothing.  Fitness clothing should be comfortable, stretchy and breathable.  Fitness disasters have occurred because of the wrong types of clothing being worn to the gym. There are several guidelines that should be followed to avoid embarrassments or […]

How Many Calories Does Hiking Burn?

On average, there are nearly 500 calories burned from hiking on an upgrade in just one hour. The more weight you carry the more will be exhausted during a hike. For example, a 160 pound person may utilize 450 calories in an hour while hiking.  A 200 pound person, about 550 calories in just one hour […]

Does Cranberry Juice Clean Your System?

Cranberry Juice can be effective in cleaning your system from toxins and free radicals because of its antioxidant properties. While it may not be the cure-all, cranberry juice is helpful in improving kidney and bladder health. One of the biggest benefits of cranberry juice is that it treats and prevents a urinary tract infection. It does […]
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