20 Min Full Body Workout W/Pamela Reif

This is a 20 Min Full Body Workout that can do whenever and wherever you like.

You don’t need any equipment or weights!! Targets the muscles of your whole body and gives you a QUICK SWEAT! The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. There are two 1min rests in between. If you need to pause longer – feel free to do so. If you don’t need a break – skip them!

I recommend switching up your workouts to give your muscles enough time to recover. You can do this workout 2-3x a week and if you want to do be active on the other days: check out my Sixpack, Core & Booty Workout ♥︎ __ ▸ you can find

FREE WORKOUT PLANS on my Instagram Channel. 30min, 45min and Beginner Friendly combinations. Check out the Highlight Bubble “Workout Plans” for that. ➞ Instagram http://www.instagram.com/pamela_rf/

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