How to Check for Diabetes

Diabetes is the disease that affects how the body processes and uses blood sugar or blood glucose. A person with diabetes has too much glucose in their blood which can lead to major problems and issues.


Super important, we NEED to stress that when you get advise online, from ANY WEBSITE, use it as a Guideline to give you something to THINK about – perhaps something to help you ask questions to your Doctor… ONLINE ADVICE, especially Medical Advice, should NEVER be taken as ‘Gospel’ and should only serve as a way to communicate ideas & to perhaps broaden the readers thought process before and during conversations with one’s Medical Professionals!

Now that we’ve said that. let’s move on…

Glucose is highly important to the health of your body. Cells utilize glucose as an energy source. It is vital in the components of tissue and muscles as well as the brain’s main source of energy. In order for the brain to function properly, a person must receive adequate levels of glucose in the system.

There are a number of symptoms that occur when a person has diabetes. These symptoms may appear suddenly or occur over time. Most types of diabetes patients experience some form of pre-diabetic symptoms and therefore, prevention may be possible.

Those who are at risk for type 1 diabetes include anyone with a body mass index or BMI of 25 and above, experience high blood pressure, live a sedentary lifestyle, have a history of diabetes in the family (close relatives who have it), have high cholesterol levels, or women who have delivered a baby weighing more than nine pounds. Any person who is over the age of 45 is advised to undergo diabetes checks routinely. An initial blood sugar screening should be given and, if the results are normal, a follow-up screening should be conducted every three years.

The following tests are routinely use to check for diabetes:

Random Blood Sugar Tests
A doctor may recommend random blood sugar tests for patients suspected of having diabetes. A random blood sugar test involves a random blood sample be taken at a random time throughout the day. This can be done at anytime during the day, regardless of when the person last ate or drank. A blood sugar sample resulting in a level of two-hundred milligrams and above suggests diabetes.

Fasting blood sugar tests
A fasting blood sugar test is more defined than a random test. A blood sample is taken after the person has undergone an overnight fast. The sample is taken prior to food being consumed in the morning or mid-morning. A fasting blood sugar above 100 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliters) is considered pre-diabetes. When the test is taken more than once and the results both yield in the risk range, the patient will be diagnosed with full-blown diabetes. Many doctors are conservative in diagnosing a patient with diabetes until two or more tests have been conducted.

Pre-diabetic Screening
When a patient is at risk for diabetes, many doctors recommend that pre-diabetic screening be conducted in order to rule out full-blown diabetes. The main test for this type of screening is the glycated hemoglobin test, also referred to as the A1C test.

Fasting blood sugar tests are also used during pre-diabetic screening. Doctors also use an oral glucose tolerance test that is useful in diagnosing diabetes. The oral glucose tolerance test is when a blood sample is taken after fasting for eight hours, typically overnight. Once the fasting period is over, the patient drinks a sugary liquid. Blood samples are taken two hours after the patient drinks the sugar solution and if the blood sugar level is less than 139 mg/dl the person is normal. However, if the blood sugar level is above 139 mg/dl, the person is considered to be in pre-diabetic status.

Common Symptoms of Diabetes

Depending on how high a person’s blood sugar is elevated, the more variation and frequency of symptoms of diabetes may occur. If you experience more than one of the following symptoms it is necessary to see a doctor and have yourself screened for pre-diabetes.

  • Below are the top five symptoms that occur in patients with diabetes:
    *Blurred vision
    *Increased thirst
    *Frequent urination and feelings of needing to urinate 
    *Unexplained weight loss
  • *Presence of ketones in the urine

While there are a number of other symptoms that may be associated with diabetes, if you or your loved one is concerned prevention is the key to your health. See your doctor routinely and undergo regular examinations.

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