
16 Videos
Not Losing Weight

Where Does the Fat Go When I Lose Weight?

We’ve all seen amazing transformations of people losing weight online or on television shows like the Biggest Loser. One question that seems to come up constantly is where does the fat go when you lose weight? It’s certainly apparent when it’s attached to your body with all of the double chins, love handles, and beer […]

The PERFECT Push-up!

Great video that focuses on Quality rather than Quantity, teaching YOU how to do The Perfect Pushup!

How Many Calories Does Dancing Burn?

Dancing does burn calories, but how much depends on how long you dance and the type of dance performed. If you expect to burn a lot of calories, the Waltz won’t cut it. One of the most popular forms of dancing today, in the gym, is Zumba. This is a combination dance and fitness program […]

5 Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises are a great way to build endurance, lose weight, and keep your heart in tip top shape. There are several different types of cardiovascular training exercises but all of them focus on aerobic enhancement which means they train the body to be able to output energy over long periods of time at lower […]

How Many Calories Are Burned Biking Per Mile?

Just how many calories are burned biking per mile? It depends on how fast and how hard you are working. A person who rides on a flat surface going 14-16 miles per hour will burn anywhere from 40-55 calories per mile. The number exhausted per mile caries based upon the persons weight, gender, height and fitness level. […]

20 Min Full Body Workout W/Pamela Reif

This is a 20 Min Full Body Workout that can do whenever and wherever you like. You don’t need any equipment or weights!! Targets the muscles of your whole body and gives you a QUICK SWEAT! The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. […]

How Many Calories Do You Burn Riding A Bike?

There can be a lot of calories to be burned in bike riding. A leisure bike ride for one hour can burn as many as 300-500 calories depending on your level of fitness. If you are overweight and not used to physical activity, it is important to ease into exercising. However, if you don’t jump in […]

The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga Offers More Than Just Physical Benefit Yoga is one of the oldest forms of exercise known to man. It has actually been practiced for over 5,000 years, and today it is estimated that nearly 11 million Americans regularly take part in this activity. Although many people realize that yoga promotes numerous physical benefits, what […]

How Many Calories Are Burned Hula Hooping?

Hula Hooping is a fun activity that has been around for decades. It’s also a great exercise that works your heart and waistline. How many calories are burned in hula hooping you ask? Let’s take a look and find out. Hula Hooping, like other forms of physical activity, burn calories depending on a variety of […]

Should I Workout at Home or the Gym?

Workout At Home Vs. The Gym If you are looking to get in shape by burning fat and toning muscle then you may be considering joining a gym and traveling regularly in order to workout. However, while this will certainly provide you with lots of equipment and be an efficient way to workout, it is […]

Why You Should Sign-Up for Swimming Lessons…

Why should you take Swimming Lessons? When you think about boating or water sports, the first thing you need to learn is swimming – it is the most important and basic water skill to have. Recent events have highlighted that many young people never learn how to swim, but it could be a life saver. […]