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20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight…

Here are 20 Foods That Help You Lose Weight, and its a GREAT video & a fantastic list of things you should be eating… BUT, always check with your Doctor before making any changes to your diet! (Visited 654 times, 1 visits today)

Secret Veggie Burger Recipe

The Secret Veggie Burger Recipe and ingredients that Chef David Lee uses to make his Planta plant-based burger. Chef David Lee talks to White Coat, Black Art’s Dr. Brian Goldman about what goes into one of his restaurant’s top seller and what spurred Lee on to plant-based eating. (Visited 1095 times, 1 visits today)

Today's Articles

How Many Calories Are Burned Climbing Stairs?

A lot of calories can be burned climbing stairs. The number will depend on how many stairs you climb and how fit you are. The more fit you are, the less calories you will burn while climbing stairs. The number of calories burned is really contingent upon how many stairs you climb and how high […]

Are Boiled Eggs Good For Weight Loss?

Eating hard boiled eggs are good for weight loss because of the lean protein source it offers the body.  On most nutritious meal plans and lists of approved weight loss foods, egg whites are a common denominator.  Egg whites are extremely lean, contain little to no fat, and are high in protein which also aids in […]

When Does Your Body Go Into Starvation?

When does your body go into starvation mode? The genesis of the weight loss issues has to do with calories in versus calories out, but there is a fine line between restricting calories in a healthy way versus starving yourself. So where is that line? Let’s take a closer look at the issue. When the […]

Are Grapes Fattening?

If you’ve ever wondered “Are Grapes Fattening”, they are not, and can actually help you lose weight if eaten in moderation. Grapes contain few calories and zero fat, but they are high in natural sugar so should not be overeaten if on a strict diet regimen. Grapes are a wonderful source of vitamin C which […]
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