Our Bodies29 Videos

Not Losing Weight

Where Does the Fat Go When I Lose Weight?

We’ve all seen amazing transformations of people losing weight online or on television shows like the Biggest Loser. One question that seems to come up constantly is where does the fat go when you lose weight? It’s certainly apparent when it’s attached to your body with all of the double chins, love handles, and beer […]

Why Does Coffee Make You Poop?

Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? Seems like an odd question, but one that many people want to know but are afraid to ask. But thanks to the internet you can now find out the answer while avoiding embarrassment. Yes, coffee does make you poop. Here’s why: Coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated, have powerful stimulants in them […]

Will I Gain Weight When I Stop Breastfeeding?

One of the main benefits of breastfeeding is that it increases your body’s calorie burn and metabolism. Once you stop breastfeeding that benefit goes away. That doesn’t necessarily mean you will gain weight, but you are at risk of packing on some pounds because your number of calories burned will decrease. Experts say that your […]

Why Am I Losing Weight?

Losing weight does not happen magically on its own. There are always reasons why the pounds are melting away. Let’s take a look at why you are losing weight. Increased physical activity Whether you are consciously increasing your physical activity or maybe you work a job that is physically demanding, the result will be weight […]

Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop?

If you drink pure Cranberry Juice in excess, it can make you poop. The more pure the juice, the more time you may be spending in the bathroom. Cranberry juice contains a number of antioxidants that are designed to eliminate waste from your body. The purer the juice, the more natural ingredients are found.  The fruit […]

Can Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

Coffee does not make you gain weight unless you drink it along with the consumption of junk food and highly processed foods. Drinking coffee alone does not make you gain weight, but actually slightly elevates your metabolism to prevent weight gain. Research studies are not definitive if coffee is the culprit in weight gain prevention, […]
Brown Rice

Is Brown Rice Better than White Rice?

Is Brown Rice Better for you than White Rice? Brown rice, sometimes referred to as ‘Hulled Rice’, is a natural grain that is only partially milled. It’s one of those foods that you will see added to a weight loss expert’s meal plan or a doctor’s recommendation for the reduction of diabetes.  Brown rice is […]

Does Drinking Crystal Light Count As Water?

Many people ask, “Does Drinking Crystal Light Count As Water?” Crystal Light is a low calorie drink that is good for you in terms of quenching your thirst, but it does not count as water. While Crystal light is low in calories and sugar, it is full of artificial sweeteners.  In pure water there is nothing […]

Should I Avoid Eating Before Bed?

Eating before bed, or ‘Nighttime Overeating’ is more common than not and people usually wonder if they will gain weight as a result. The answer is not so simple – it all depends on what you eat. If you eat junk food and high calorie foods every night before going to bed, the chances of […]

Why Do Men Have Higher Metabolism Than Women?

It seems almost unfair that women care more about their weight and appearance yet men have faster metabolisms? So why do men have higher metabolism than women? The main reason why males have a faster metabolism than females is their increased muscle mass. It takes more energy for the body to operate muscle than it […]

How Many Calories Does Dancing Burn?

Dancing does burn calories, but how much depends on how long you dance and the type of dance performed. If you expect to burn a lot of calories, the Waltz won’t cut it. One of the most popular forms of dancing today, in the gym, is Zumba. This is a combination dance and fitness program […]
Healthy Heart

Have a Healthy Heart – Love Cardio!

Would you like to have a Healthy Heart? Some people call it cardiovascular exercise or typically abbreviate it to ‘cardio’, while others know it as aerobic exercise. The two are actually the same despite the difference in terminology. The former term emphasizes the primary benefit received. The latter term points out the main kind of […]