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Our 1 Year Body Transformation Losing 220lbs

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Jamie Oliver’s Ultimate Veggie Burgers

Jamie Oliver is all about the veg: Watch him make his roasted black bean burgers with a Zingy Salsa! (Visited 762 times, 3 visits today)

20 Min Full Body Workout W/Pamela Reif

This is a 20 Min Full Body Workout that can do whenever and wherever you like. You don’t need any equipment or weights!! Targets the muscles of your whole body and gives you a QUICK SWEAT! The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. […]

Today's Articles

Does Drinking Crystal Light Count As Water?

Many people ask, “Does Drinking Crystal Light Count As Water?” Crystal Light is a low calorie drink that is good for you in terms of quenching your thirst, but it does not count as water. While Crystal light is low in calories and sugar, it is full of artificial sweeteners.  In pure water there is nothing […]

Are Sunflower Seeds Fattening?

Sunflower seeds can be very good for you and even though they contain some fats, are not considered fattening. Sunflower seeds contain nutritious and healthy fats that promote weight loss as well as cholesterol level reduction and a health heart. They are extremely high in essential fatty acids or EFAs which your body requires in […]

Does Fat Turn Into Muscle?

Fat cannot turn into muscle from working out or lifting weights, no matter what you do. It must be burned and lost, but cannot restructure itself to become muscle. This is a myth that must be dispelled. There is no biological way for fat to be converted to muscle or vice-versa. The body can only […]

Should I Avoid Eating Before Bed?

Eating before bed, or ‘Nighttime Overeating’ is more common than not and people usually wonder if they will gain weight as a result. The answer is not so simple – it all depends on what you eat. If you eat junk food and high calorie foods every night before going to bed, the chances of […]
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